Reasons to visit RAGM in March

Its the 25th year of Rugby Art Gallery and Museum and they have some fab things planned. Currently – alongside the impressive ‘Beyond the Canvas’ exhibition ‘upstairs’ in the main gallery there is a stunning exhibition downstairs in Floor One. Rock, Paper, Scissors features three local artists whose work always draws attention when they show here at Art at the Alex.

John Thompson (Rock) is also showing work in the MOAT gallery (the open air gallery in Regent Place) and is a studio holder here at the Alex. A prolific and always interesting artist. Clare Pentlow (Paper) is showing how you can create miraculous work with a thousand (perhaps hundreds of thousands?) of precisely placed cuts. Vikki Skinner with her textile works draws on her family history and explorations in juxtapositions of sharp metal and sculptural crochet. Interesting new work from all three and its only on until 15th March (closed Sundays).

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