These are not just _any_ yarnbombers, these are _our_ (aka Rugby) yarnbombers set on transforming town with a fabulous wonderland of Alice (Lewis Carroll) themed fibre work. On show in June across many of the shopwindows in Rugby and on display in several of the open spaces around town. So many local businesses are helping out with spaces to work and store and Art at the Alex is one of these. So many very creative craftspeople are spending time knitting roses, tea party food, flamingos, lobsters, and transforming mannekins into mini Alice figures.
At Art at the Alex we have taken the meeting with the Caterpillar chapter as our theme, so you will be seeing caterpillars, butterflies, Alice with a long neck and the odd pigeon (that may be pretty odd) around here alongside a Rugby Artists and Makers exhibition on the theme of Transformation that month.
Yarn bombers are invited to come along and use space in the back room where we run workshops on Second Thursdays from March to June (2-4pm). So come and join in if this suits. Or just come and have a nose about.
We are also welcoming yarn bombers on Second Sundays here (11-3). Come and book a table or sit in the cafe with a smaller project. This event is not only for yarnbombers, but we do expect that to see them then too. (Meetings at other times in other places also available, e.g. Library, Satchmos, Mala beds, etc.
To find out more about the yarnbombing project contact them by email rugby.yarnbomb@gmail.com, join the group on Facebook or pop in and talk to Ceri at Wild+Free (Henry Street). And please offer help if you can, its a massive project and Ceri has managed to get many of the town’s businesses involved and supporting this.